Beginner Tutorial


Alchemist_lib works with three methods:

  • set_weights
  • select_universe
  • handle_data

set_weights is used to set the weight that an asset has respect the others within the portfolio. The sum of every weight must be close to 1. The df parameter is the dataframe returned by handle_data. Must returns a pandas dataframe with two columns: “asset” and “weight”, where “asset” is the index.

select_universe have to returns a list of assets the strategy will take into consideration. If you want all the assets traded on a specific exchange just call the get_assets function of

handle_data is the most importat one because it manages the trading logic. The universe parameter is the list returned by select_universe. Must returns a pandas dataframe with two columns: “asset” and “alpha”, where “asset” is the index.

To start the strategy you just need to instantiate the TradingSystem class and call the run method.

Remember to test the strategy with real-time data before going live, it can be done setting paper_trading = True.

First strategy

Lets take a look at a very simple strategy from the examples directory,

Strategy description:
Hold a portfolio equally composed by Ethereum and BitcoinCash.

First of all we must import all the things we need.

from alchemist_lib.portfolio import LongsOnlyPortfolio
from import PoloniexBroker
from alchemist_lib.tradingsystem import TradingSystem
import as exch
import pandas as pd

Then we select which assets we want to buy and hold. Just ETH and BCH in this example:

def select_universe(session):
    poloniex_assets = exch.get_assets(session = session, exchange_name = "poloniex")

    my_universe = []
    for asset in poloniex_assets:
        if asset.ticker == "ETH" or asset.ticker == "BCH":
    return my_universe

In this case the handle_data method is useless so lets set a random value for the “alpha” column of the dataframe.

def handle_data(session, universe):
    df = pd.DataFrame(data = {"asset" : universe, "alpha" : 0}, columns = ["asset", "alpha"]).set_index("asset")
    return df

We want to hold two assets (ETH and BCH) so every one must be 50% of the portfolio value.

def set_weights(df):
    df["weight"] = 0.5
    return df

Make it starts in paper trading mode, every 4 hours.

algo = TradingSystem(name = "BuyAndHold",
                     portfolio = LongsOnlyPortfolio(capital = 0.01),
                     set_weights = set_weights,
                     select_universe = select_universe,
                     handle_data = handle_data,
                     broker = PoloniexBroker(api_key = "APIKEY",
                                             secret_key = "SECRETKEY"),
                     paper_trading = True) = "4H", frequency = 1)


Just type:

$ python3

A log file called buyandhold.log will be created.


Another example, a little bit more complex is

Strategy description:
Hold a portfolio composed by top 5 assets by volume whose EMA 10 is above the EMA 21. Rebalance it every hour.


from alchemist_lib.portfolio import LongsOnlyPortfolio
from import BittrexBroker
from alchemist_lib.tradingsystem import TradingSystem
from alchemist_lib.factor import Factor
import pandas as pd
import as exch

def set_weights(df):
    alphas_sum = df["alpha"].sum()
    for asset, alpha in zip(df.index.values, df["alpha"]):
        df.loc[asset, "weight"] = alpha / alphas_sum

    return df

def select_universe(session):
    return exch.get_assets(session = session, exchange_name = "bittrex")

def handle_data(session, universe):
    fct = Factor(session = session)
    prices = fct.history(universe = universe, field = "close", timeframe = "1H", window_length = 21)

    ema10 = fct.ExponentialMovingAverage(values = prices, window_length = 10, field = "close").rename(columns = {"ExponentialMovingAverage" : "ema10"})
    ema21 = fct.ExponentialMovingAverage(values = prices, window_length = 21, field = "close").rename(columns = {"ExponentialMovingAverage" : "ema21"})

    concated = pd.concat([ema10, ema21], axis = 1)
    concated = concated.loc[concated["ma10"] > concated["ma21"], :]

    vol = fct.history(universe = concated.index.values, field = "volume", timeframe = "1H", window_length = 1)

    df = pd.concat([concated, vol], axis = 1)
    df = df[["volume"]].rename(columns = {"volume" : "alpha"})

    if len(df) > 5:
        df = df.sort_values(by = "volume", ascending = False)
        df = df.head(5)

    return df

algo = TradingSystem(name = "MovingAverageCrossover",
                     portfolio = LongsOnlyPortfolio(capital = 0.1),
                     set_weights = set_weights,
                     select_universe = select_universe,
                     handle_data = handle_data,
                     broker = BittrexBroker(api_key = "APIKEY",
                                            secret_key = "SECRETKEY"),
                     paper_trading = True) = "1H", frequency = 1)

To execute it:

$ python3


These were some basic examples of how alchemist_lib works. Take a look at the example folder for more examples.